Industry Leading Sustainability
Calysta produces protein without limits. Our patented fermenter has a tiny water footprint, requires no animal or plant products, and can be placed anywhere in the world. We are committed to supporting the transition to renewables and producing protein with a net-zero carbon impact. Calysta is improving global protein availability while preserving biodiversity for this and future generations.

Industry Leading Sustainability
Calysta produces protein without limits. Our patented fermenter has a tiny water footprint, requires no animal or plant products, and can be placed anywhere in the world. We are committed to supporting the transition to renewables and producing protein with a net-zero carbon impact. Calysta is improving global protein availability while preserving biodiversity for this and future generations.
Land-free agriculture
Calysta’s gas-based fermentation decouples protein production from ever increasing requirements for agricultural land.
One FeedKind plant can produce 100,000 tonnes per year on just 10 hectares of developed land. An equivalent quantity of soy protein would require a quarter of a million hectares of arable land.
Protecting our ocean resources
Aquaculture feeds often depend on wild-caught fish to make fishmeal and fish oil. Calysseo’s FeedKind Aqua plant in China produces 20,000 tonnes of protein per year – the equivalent of 100,000 tonnes of wild-caught fish – or as much shrimp as the whole United States catches in a year.
Reducing water consumption
Our fermentation platform recycles what little water it uses. If used as a substitute for soy protein, our protein ingredients would save nearly 9 million cubic metres of water – equivalent to 3,600 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Building a Circular Protein Production System
Fermenting protein from land-free carbon already offers several benefits over traditional sources of protein but relying on fossil sources falls short of our ambitions to be a Net Zero company.
Like all aerobic fermentations, our microbes exhale carbon dioxide. By capturing that CO2, we can use clean, renewable energy to power a methanation process that converts our waste back into usable carbon and energy. This truly circular platform allows us to produce high quality protein products while embracing the advantages of the clean energy transition.